Saturday, December 28, 2013

Kraft Paper Christmas Wrap

Presents under the Christmas tree are nice.
Beautifully wrapped gifts under the tree, are....
hmmm, I am having trouble coming up with a word
that actually defines how awesome they are...
They are:
a conversation starter, a focal point of the room,
an "Ahhh" piece, a special little something to give to 
those you love.
Somehow that still doesn't describe how much I loved having these 
under my tree for the short time they were there.

A few of my favorite craft supplies & go-to's for decorating my house
and parties this year were:
Burlap (I love burlap, for everything!)
Twine (again, so versatile!)
White Paint

To make all of those things flow together, all I needed was some
brown Kraft paper!

(This tree skirt {actually its a piece of material I bought 4 years ago
meaning to sew into a tree skirt & never felt like it, so it just gets 
wrapped around the tree} needs to go. I am so glad
I had these pretty packages to cover it up. I am thinking a ruffle
burlap tree skirt is a project before next year:) )

To make the dots I used a white ink pad and a pencil with
a slightly used eraser on the end.
Dip the eraser in the ink for each dot & "stamp".

 Washi Tape is so fun, and comes in A LOT of different
colors and patterns. I found mine at Michaels.

I bought a paint pen (Michaels again!) and covered
the box in writing. 

These adorable paper lace doilies were left over from
Grace's birthday party. Can you guess where I bought them?
Yep, Michaels! They are actually in the baking isle and come in
an assortment of sizes.

This gift wrap could be used all year round. Instead of using red ribbon, 
swap it out for another color. Write "Happy Birthday" or "Congratulations" all
over a box, instead of "let is snow". 
I think this would be a beautiful wedding present!

I hope I inspired you!

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